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Morehouse Spelman Pre-Law Society

Equipping students from Morehouse College and Spelman College who seek to practice law

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Why join the society?

Learning Opportunities

By being part of the club, members have the chance to expand their knowledge about law school, politics, and federal and state levels of work. The society plans and hosts panels where current law school students or graduates share their experiences, providing valuable insights into the law school journey and beyond. 

Supportive Community

The Morehouse Spelman Pre-Law Society aims to create a community within the Atlanta University Center (AUC) for prospective law students. Joining the society connects members with like-minded individuals who share similar goals and aspirations. Being part of a supportive network can provide encouragement, guidance, and motivation throughout the law school application process.

Application Assistance

The society actively assists students in preparing for the law school application process. They bring in invited guests who are alumni of Morehouse and Spelman or other historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to share their experiences transitioning from an HBCU to law school. Additionally, guests provide valuable insights into the application process, including LSAT scores, GPA requirements, selecting the right law school, and crafting a compelling personal statement. 

About Morehouse Spelman Pre-Law Society

Our mission is to equip students with the tools to succeed in the legal field

Morehouse Spelman Pre-Law Society is an organization designed to equip students from Morehouse College and Spelman College who seek to practice law. Our society provides students with access to resources, professional mentors, and networking opportunities to help them succeed in the legal field.

The Offerings of The MSPLS:

Our society offers a range of programs to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the legal field. Our programs cover various aspects of law, including criminal law, civil law, and constitutional law. 


The Morehouse Spelman Undergraduate Law Review (MSULR) is the leading undergraduate legal publication of Morehouse and Spelman Colleges. MSULR showcases in its print journal extensive works written by undergraduate students from around the world, while also featuring original pieces by Morehouse and Spelman undergraduates in its online journal. Additionally, MSULR actively engages in roundtable discussions, covers current events, and produces podcasts.

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“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

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